The Alliant shot the cleanest and was to me the most fun to shoot, but the weirdest thing happened - one out of 10 rounds had unburnt powder in the brass. This allows the pressure curve to rise in a normal& . The resultant sustained high pressure is extremely .The new warhead contains a fluorinated aluminum powder that is layered between the warhead casing and the PBXN-112 explosive fill.... Nah..
ammunition powder burn rates
D-B powders, particularly the spherical type, are stable under storage in all sorts of non-optimal conditions with a long shelf-life whether stored loose in bulk or loaded in ammunition. When the explosive detonates, the aluminum mixture is dispersed and rapidly burns. Being an exponent, a slight difference in the value actually makes a large difference in burn rate.....Smokeless powders come in myriad forms from many makers, but the key to using it properly is understanding burn rates and working pressures.Yes 2400 is a slower burning powder from every source I`ve read.
..Smokeless powders come in myriad forms from many makers, but the key to using it properly is understanding burn rates and working pressures.Yes 2400 is a slower burning powder from every source I`ve read... This is also why, from time to time, the next closest burn rate powder to one`s favorite may not perform well.A fundamental rule of internal ballistics is that to extract maximum performance from increasingly heavier bullets, one must use increasingly greater amounts of slower burn-rate powders.. I thought the markets would be allowed to enforce discipline on the gov`t through rates
. This is also why, from time to time, the next closest burn rate powder to one`s favorite may not perform well.A fundamental rule of internal ballistics is that to extract maximum performance from increasingly heavier bullets, one must use increasingly greater amounts of slower burn-rate powders.. I thought the markets would be allowed to enforce discipline on the gov`t through rates..The primary difference between them is the rate at which they burn. .. dirty magazine, The concept that ammo factories use is to select a burn rate&
.The primary difference between them is the rate at which they burn. .. dirty magazine, The concept that ammo factories use is to select a burn rate& . The Alliant shot the cleanest and was to me the most fun to shoot, but the weirdest thing happened - one out of 10 rounds had unburnt powder in the brass. This allows the pressure curve to rise in a normal& . The resultant sustained high pressure is extremely .The new warhead contains a fluorinated aluminum powder that is layered between the warhead casing and the PBXN-112 explosive fill.
The Alliant shot the cleanest and was to me the most fun to shoot, but the weirdest thing happened - one out of 10 rounds had unburnt powder in the brass. This allows the pressure curve to rise in a normal& . The resultant sustained high pressure is extremely .The new warhead contains a fluorinated aluminum powder that is layered between the warhead casing and the PBXN-112 explosive fill.... Nah..
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